Wednesday, March 9, 2022

When and where in the world am I filming?

 Hello again and welcome back once again! I probably said the same thing twice but it's whatever, I'm at a point where I can only focus on so many things at one time since we have an amazing thing for us seniors to what we call ✨senioritis✨. 

Anyway, I was finally able to confirm some things that I haven't able to confirm before and that is my film locations and when in the world will I start filming. Before I get to that you're probably wondering, "why haven't you told us about this earlier", "You're so waiting for the last minute", "What took you so long to figure it out?". Well the answer to all those questions is basically that I've been extremely focused on my storyline the past couple weeks and brainstorming what would suit my film best, can you imagine how long it took me to realize that I'd only need 2 characters instead of 4 when you were almost done with your script and had to redo the whole thing? Because that was definitely me. Also, I don't even know what I want to call this film yet, like I originally named it "The Doll Game", but I feel like that title is too generic and need something more creative and attract people's attention, which I haven't figured out yet so that might take me a while, but I am open to suggestions if anyone has, that would be great.

Now, I do actually have my film locations and everything will basically be filmed at my house and it'll also be indoors since filming outside could really mess up with the audio, as well as having less control over the lighting. As for the when I'll start filing, I'll very likely start filming sometime next week and maybe reshoots during break if necessary since I spoke with my fancy costar and so far, she has no plans so there shouldn't be any issues as of now. So yeah, that's my little update and hope to see you folks next time!

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It is here!!

 Hey guys! OMG what a ride it has been these past 8 weeks! I just wanna say this is probably the last time in a while uploading in this blog...