Hi hello hi! It's my blog posting again brought to you by nobody in particular since I'm still in high school and don't do sponsors as of yet. Anyway that was pretty off topic but now, as joker played by the amazing Heath Ledger said once, let's get serious. So after I last updated over my slight change of plans regarding my casting which if you may not know, it used to have 4 characters, but I then decided to change it to only 2 since I'm not overcomplicating myself with this project more than I probably am already since I am working on this project by myself, well not 100% by myself if you know what I mean. The point is, I pretty much got my casting down which wasn't hard since it was only 2 people.
You're probably wondering, "who will be the stars of Paola's next short film?", well if you're new here you might not know who they are, but if you've been here a while, you'll definitely see some familiar faces. So playing the amazing main character is... (drum roll) ME!! Yayyy whooo standing ovation! But yeah, I'm obviously going to star in my own film, I gotta put myself out there somewhere. Anywho, you might know her and you may love her but playing the (toxic) best friend Rosie is.... Rafi Prieto! Woooo! Who you might recognize from my lil film opening that I did last year for AS level and honestly, I can't even look at that opening without either cringing or questioning my life decisions. But it's fine, I'm fine, I get to do something with what I learned, especially from past mistakes ,*cough* the opening *cough*, and hopefully make something so that when I look back at it in 5 years I can say.... "Yeah I did that" or at least not cringe when watching it.
So yeah, that is all I got for this fine day or night and I'll update for sure in the next couple of days.
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