Sunday, March 13, 2022

What is going on with Sundays these days?

Hello so first of all, hi how are you? I hope your day was better than mine, but I'll explain that in a second. First of all, I only need one more part of my script and then I'm done. I also met up with my costar on Friday to do like a cold read, as well as helping me a bit with my script, I added the ritual part and decided to do the chanting in Latin because apparently anything in Latin just makes it sound spookier. I decided to use Latin because I've seen in films and TV shows that include like witches and rituals and all that stuff always include their wording in Latin.. For example, Bonnie in the Vampire Diaries performs spells in Latin, witches in The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (I never rlly watched this show so don't judge), and also Agatha Harkness in Wandavision. Anywho, there was this part in my original film where the main character talks to her sister who's supposed to be like her voice of reason, but then I decided that instead of adding the sister, I could use stuffed bears, one white to represent the smart thing to do and its name is Angie (short for Angel), and the red bear the opposite named Lucy (short for Lucifer) and have the character look back and forth between the bears as if having a conversation with them.

Bonnie Bennett- Vampire Diaries

Agatha Harkness- Wandavision

So onto kind of bad news, so during the weekend that I was with my costar, I later found out this morning that she tested positive for Covid, which is perfect timing since I was planning to start filming next week so now I'm freaking out since I'd also have to be in Quarantine for a while for being in contact with her which is just amazing... But I won't freak out because we can still film over break or I could change the film into being a virtual thing and they do the virtual via Facetime or something, but either way I'll figure it out and we'll see how it goes in the next couple days, remember stay calm and positive!

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It is here!!

 Hey guys! OMG what a ride it has been these past 8 weeks! I just wanna say this is probably the last time in a while uploading in this blog...