Monday, March 22, 2021

Actual Filming Day!!

Hello again! so today was our film day and it all went better than expected honestly. we ended up filming everything in just 2 hours! if that’s not good timing, I don’t know what is. i honestly thought we would’ve taken way longer. but, there were no issues except some likely mosquito bites haha. 

We even got some extra help from other friends with lighting and another girl to play the random bystander, instead of Amy so she could be more in control of the camera and our shots. So since amy would be too busy with filming, we decided to use someone else besides her and it was a pretty good decision. We also decided to record our dialogue into a mic just in case any background noise disrupted what we were saying. For our recording, we used an app called Garageband, which is a free app that comes with Apple technology where you can play different instruments and as well as recording, like what we did to record our lines.

 Also, we ended up using the stabilizer Amy got, a tripod i brought, which is what we used the most, and also used our own hands. Although, I’m a little worried about the lighting since we filmed while it was still getting dark. The darkness in the footage looked kind of iffy with the lighting, which is kind of concerning, but we did the best we could. But it shouldn’t be anything we can’t fix in editing, I'm pretty sure we can find ways to make the footage a lot better. Since we're using Premiere, I think we'll be good and if we don't, we'll look up videos to give us a hand.

Well, that is all I got for today, we finally got the second hardest thing over with. If you're wondering the hardest, it's the diting and all that, since it'll affect the final product which you guys will see in April, Oh My God in April!! Anyway, I'll see what in the world I'll be writing about next, since most of my blogs so far were me ranting about filming. I'll most likely talk about sound and foley I'm doing. Anyway, I'll figure it out. See you guys later, bye!!

our lil recording corner

our filming location (while it was still sunset featuring one of our leads)

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It is here!!

 Hey guys! OMG what a ride it has been these past 8 weeks! I just wanna say this is probably the last time in a while uploading in this blog...