Saturday, February 13, 2021

Hmmm... So here's what I'm thinking

 So over the past couple of hours I've been thinking about what would be the best genre to do my film opening with. I think I'm planning to go with the horror comedy genre, because I love how horror mixed with comedy can freak people out but still have a good laugh. These types of films are especially good with the ones that are not huge fans of horror movies, myself included. It would also fit really well with the target audience of preteens and teens since both audiences love comedy and horror. By bringing those 2 genres together would definitely bring more attention to more audiences.

 But, I also have the question whether I should work in a group, or work by myself? I mean the pros of working alone would be more control over everything, for cons, I would have to do multitask and would probably be a lot to handle at once. But with a group... everything could be done quicker, even though there could be times our personalities or us in general might clash. I might go with a group though, since we would most likely discuss our ideas and come into a conclusion as a group and with something everyone is comfortable with.

I already have a few ideas and some inspiration from other films from both comedy, horror, and combination of the 2 and figure out how I want the opening to be portrayed in the screen. But knowing me, I might change the genre and opening scene idea completely since there might be some new ideas coming out that I might come up with in the near future. But for now, I'm pretty happy on the few ideas I already got in mind. I won't say what's coming into the opening just yet, since not everything is set in stone yet, but I think you guys will love the outcome. Well that's all I got for now, and by next post, I hopefully have a better idea on the whole opening in general. See you guys next time! Bye!

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It is here!!

 Hey guys! OMG what a ride it has been these past 8 weeks! I just wanna say this is probably the last time in a while uploading in this blog...